Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Festivus!

HAPPY FESTIVUS!! The aluminum pole is up (sans tinsel, of course), the Airing of Grievances is coming up, and the Feats of Strength after that. Hope you have a Happy Festivus where ever you are today.

More goodness today, but this time it is due to Trader Joe's. Mmmm... BBQ chicken wrap with apple cider goodness. Now, it isn't perfect. The one in Roswell, GA is in a crowded shopping center, is crowded and cramped itself, and doesn't have the ambrosia that is Coke Zero (or any Coca-Cola products at all). But I can't complain too much. They had the "2 Buck Chuck" (really 3 buck in GA). $2.99 a bottle wine and it doesn't suck? That's amazing stuff right there. I got 3 bottles of that, and a Belgian corked ale (mmm... alcohol).

Got some prepared food and some other good stuff. Looked down at my cart at all the food down there and though, oh no, I'm going to get hit hard. Knowing from my jaunts to Whole Foods, I realize gourmet markets cost a bit more than the Kroger I usually go to. But, amazing I was only out $56 (including the delicious alcohol). A Christmas Miracle! Ok, maybe not... but still I felt like I got one major league deal.

Oh, and I can't go without saying something about the Circuit City cashier. You'd think that cashiers would be able count money for change. You'd think so. You'd be wrong. The person in front of me got a CD costing $23ish and gave the cashier $25 in cash. Apparently she really likes credit, because the change was throwing her for a loop. She stood their, with the receipt in hand for (I'm not shitting you) 3 minutes figuring what combination of green bills and shiny coins to give the man across from her. She stared at the receipt and then in abject puzzlement over the stuff in her till. It was comically stupid. The guy in front of me and I exchanged glances and tried not to laugh out loud in her face. A valuable lesson comes out of this. Make sure your cashiers know how to handle cash!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Initial Blogging Goodness

Ah... a fresh new blog. Hardly anything in the pages. Just smell that new blog smell. What to talk about, what to talk about... well it is a day from a Festivas for the rest of us. And we can't forget about that nice birthday celebration of the son of a diety in a few days. A new year on the Gregorian Calender as well. Oh, and yes, the new Harry Potter book was named ("Deathly Hallows" if you are one of those who have managed to avoid all the hubbub).

The Holidays feel off this year, though. I live in Atlanta and last year it was sufficiently cool (high in the low 40s, etc) and felt like December. Though it couldn't compare to New Jersey weather (where I lived for the first 22 years of my life), which even includes wonders such as snow, a relatively rare thing in the Big Peach (Hey, don't look at me, wikipedia said was a valid nickname). But this year something is different... something is off...

It may be that I'm sitting here after 9:00 PM on Friday night before Christmas and it's freaking 60 DEGREES F. Are you kidding me? What, is it going to be 70 for Christmas? That's not Christmas weather... that's spring weather. That's the weather for wearing short sleeve shirts and... stuff. It turns my entire world upside down. Well, maybe not, but it's still freaking weird.

I can only hope that the Gods of weather will look down and realize they've messed up and for a day or so reverse the global warming trend and bring us closer to actual Christmas weather. Just for old time's sake or something.