Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Have Nothing to Say

It's kind of sad. Past few weeks, I had nothing to say. Well, I said whatever I needed in real life, and didn't feel up to putting it down on electronic diary form. And it hasn't been all that exciting in the last few weeks. I watched some football, played some World of Warcraft (Burning Crusade goodness), and generally didn't do too much. Work always gets ramped up in January again... penalty for goofing off in December...

Though I did get to go to Jacksonville for work. That was pretty nice, though Jacksonville in January, well, it's not exactly bustling with people. The streets were dead. No wait in any of the restaurants and was pretty nice (people complained when the temp hit a high of 65). If you ever head that way, I recommend the Chart House. Expensive, but worth every penny (for the food and the view). Also got to stay at the Omni (YES!!). Apparently when no one wants to come to Jacksonville, room rates get reaaally cheap. So that was nice. I enjoy having Evian in the work out rooms (though Evian really isn't better than tap water, so I fail to see the hype).

Aside from that? Nothing much. Some football watching. Damn Patriots keep winning in crazier and crazier ways. A fumble after an interception? Bah!

Anyway, back to work... I guess I should. Or at least look like I'm doing something. That'd probably be prudent.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Ah the Glories of a Notre Dame loss

It's been quite a while since the last blog post (a few weeks, I guess), but I couldn't think of a better way to start off the new year by celebrating over Notre Dame's loss to the LSU Tigers on national TV. Now, for the record, I despise Notre Dame football, as any red blooded American does. Mostly its the media hype and overratedness (is that a word? Well it is now). The Fighting Irish can be 6-5 and some yahoo will wonder if the BCS will be interested. Well, pah!

Also it was a bit more fun because I predicted LSU would win by at least 2 TDs and then got yelled at by ND fans, so I wanted LSU to save my ass. It was nerve racking for a while... 14-14 as ND was getting going, but LSU warmed my heart and rolled off enough points that Notre Dame may have post-traumatic stress disorder if they find themselves bowl eligible next year.

Ah, joy. Good bowl season for me so far. My squad (Rutgers) won. Louisville won for the Big East. WVU beat Georgia Tech (good for two reason 1) GO Big East!, 2) I hate Georgia Tech, but not as much as Notre Dame, that isn't possible). USC beat Michigan (shutting up all those who said Michigan deserves another chance) and now this. I don't even care that it was an SEC team beating them.

And, may I also add, Brady Quinn is just a bit overrated. But Jamarcus Russell showed some skills. That performance may be vaulting him up the draft board. It'd be lovely to see Notre Dame's golden boy be denied by Russell again... here's hoping.